The Red Kitchen Table

I reupholstered our kitchen chairs with this cute fabric I found in an IKEA discount basket. The fabric caught my eye because it was floral without being too bright, and it had red, black and blue in it which are the main colors seen in my kitchen. Without even having this project on my radar, I saw this fabrci and knew instantly that it would perfectly hide the tired, worn chair cushions that gave away the age of our set while giving it a fresh new look. After nearly fourteen years, it was very much needed. This DIY cost me only eight dollars and a pack of staples, and when it was complete I was beaming with pride. 

You see, this is not just any old kitchen table and chairs.  

It was an old restaurant table that was only meant to get me by while I was in college, but it did more than that. It followed me to the first apartment I'd share with my boyfriend and then to another, then into our very first house in the city and then all the way home, to where we live now. Everyone we love sat around this table; old friends, new friends, my sister and his dad.

Strangely, it's become a part of us and a part of our story. It's the red kitchen table. It's where we had our first meals together as a couple, where we studied for exams, wrote assignments and resumes. It's where all the shopping bags were dropped, all our mail was opened and all our gifts were wrapped. It’s seen all of the hot pots, pizza boxes and birthday cakes over the years. All the bouquets of flowers, jam sessions, spilled beer and coffee rings. It’s where we sat on our wedding day to have a drink. It's where we make plans. Where we’ve had difficult conversations but more heart heart-to hearts.

For all of those reasons and more, I feel this red kitchen table will always belong in our home. It may be old and not be big enough to fit everyone... And it may need new cushion covers from time to time... But it’s getting us by.  

